About us
Elohim Productions is a small label located somewhere in Sweden. The label is run by our manager Elias and its artists. Our work focus on music related projects with a variety of different artistic expressions. We strive to achieve and build a good, humble, respectable and faithful relationship with every artist, band or visionary who wants to work with us. We strongly believe in a "do it yourself"-ethic and workmanship and we do our best to achieve that as much as we can. If there's creativity, fun, enjoyment, love, hope, faith, respect, hard-working people and good work ethic, we will be there and we’ll be aiming for the future. Dear visitor, thank you for reading to this point and we hope you'll enjoy something of what we offer when it comes to music and art.
Sincerely, Elohim Productions Sweden.
Contact us
Manager of Elohim Productions Sweden
Contact: info@elohimproductions.com